Tender Advertisement
No. ( 2 ) of [ 2023]
The [Yemen Arabian Sea Ports Corporation (YASPC)] announces its desire to invite bidders to Tender no. (2) of [ 2023 ] for design, build and supply one new Tug boat for port of Mukalla which will be financed from the self-sources.
Bidders who are willing to participate in this Tender have to submit written applications to
[Yemen Arabian Sea Ports Corporation, Head Office - Mukalla Port, procurement and stores department.]
To receive Bidding Documents for an amount [ 30,000 Y.R ] non-refundable.
Bidders have to apply during the official working hours at :
Yemen Arabian Sea Ports Corporation.
Head Office - Mukalla Port.
Procurement and Stores Department .
Tel: 00967-5-321138
Fax: 00967-5-303508
Email: [email protected]
The deadline for selling BDS will be on 30 /7/2023 .
Bids have to submitted in sealed envelopes addressed to the concerned Entity, mentioning the project name, Tender number and name of bidder. The following documents must also be attached to the envelope:
The Bank guarantee has to be valid for not less than [ 150 days] from date of Bids Opening. The Bank guarantee may be substituted with a payable cheque.
2- Copy of Valid registration and classification certificate.
3- Copy of Valid tax certificate.
4- Copy of Valid Insurance Certificate + Copy of Valid zakat Certificate .
5- Copy of Valid practice of profession Certificate.
Except the foreign companies of presentation this Certificates above-mentioned and satisfy with presentation the legal documents that are issued from countries that relate to these companies
The Dead line for submission and bids opening will be on (11 AM) o’clock of the day (Sunday ) date 6/8/2023 Bids received after this deadline will be returned unopened.
Bids Opening will take place at [Hall Bidding the Head Quarters - port of Mukalla] and at the same time mentioned above, in presence of bidders or their authorized representatives.
Potential bidders may inspect BDS before purchasing during working hours for a period [40] days starting from advertisement.