Construction and building new port of Socotra (qurmh site)
Socotra governorate
The republic of Yemen has allocated part of the credit agreement from the Kuwait fund
for Arab economic development to finance the project for construction and building new
port of Socotra (Qurmh site) Arkhabil, Socotra, Socotra governorate ,the required
consulting services including:
1) Review and update the previous studies
2) Implement the necessary Geophysical &Geotechnical studies
3) Preparing the project engineering and detail designs general document for
implementation tender and assistance for analysis and evaluate the tenders and prepare
the construction document
4) Review and update the project studies including the cost estimation for the project
items to reach the final total cost of the project
5) Preparing the contractor tender documents and assisting the project Implementation
Unit in evaluating the offers, choosing the winning contractor and preparing the
construction contracts
6) construction supervision.
The Yemen Arabian sea ports corporation (YASPC) now invites eligible consultant firms
to indicate their interest in providing their services. Interested consultants must provide
information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services such as description
and detailed information about performing similar tasks and work, general experience ofthe consultant and their experience in the same field, experience of the staff and their
CVs, and other documents necessary for qualification. It is also possible for the
consulting firms to form consortiums to enhance their chances of winning the bid,
Furthermore, consortiums that consist of a firm registered in the State of Kuwait and a
firm registered in the Republic of Yemen will be awarded five points on their technical
proposal after being qualified and asked to submit their technical and financial proposals
in later stage ,"
A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Kuwait fund
for Arab economic development and with the principles and criteria set forth in the
Government of the law of Tenders and their guide
Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office
hours between : 8:00am to 1: 00pm .
Expressions of Interested documents must be delivered to the address below by
[Wednesday 3 \ 3 \ 2021 ] their documents in two originals and two copies and two CDs
for the following address :-
Yemen Arabian sea ports corporation - Head Office –Mukalla Port
Mobile : +967 777309661
Implementation Unit For Socotra Project Office
Mobile : +967 777453724
+ 9671 733786422