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tender No. (1) for the year 2021

 tender No. (1) for the year 2021


Yemen Arabian Sea Ports Corporation announces its desire for tender No. (1) for the year 2021 into two stages ( TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL) regarding procurement and operation of one used Harbor tug boat for port of Mukalla which will be financed from the self-sources.


Bidders who are willing to participate in this Tender have to submit written applications during working hours to the following address:

Yemen Arabian Sea Ports Corporation

Head office - Mukalla port - Procurement and warehouse department
Phone: 00967-5-320632

Mobile: 000967-771727263
email:- [email protected]

            [email protected]

Bids have to be submitted in two separated sealed envelopes (Technical envelope and Financial envelope) addressed to Yemen Arabian Sea Ports Corporation, mentioning the corporation and project name,Tender number and name of bidder. The following documents must also be attached to the envelope:

  1. Copy of valid registration and classification certificate
  2. Copy of valid sales tax certificate and tax card.
  3. Copy of valid Insurance card and zakat card
  4. Copy of work permit certificate.
  5. The external companies send bids via DHL, especially the financial offer should be sealed with red wax.

As per the following main specifications:

  1. Harbor Tug boat: for pushing and pulling. External firefighting is preferred.
  2. Main fenders FWD - Main fenders AFT if available.
  3. Tug Length not to exceed 30m
  4. Type propulsion system : Twin screw in Kort Nozzle.
  5. Horse power between 2400BHP-3000 BHP.
  6. Bollard pull : between 24 -30 Tons.
  7. External firefighting is preferred approx. 600m3/hr. with two monitor.
  8. Year of built :2010 or above.
  9. Place of receive - Mukalla port, Hadhramout.
  10. Tug classification : LR-GL-BV-…etc
  11. All bids should meet the technical requirements required in the tender document

- The last day for receiving bids, opening the envelopes is on Monday 14/6/2021. Offers received after this date will not be accepted and will be returned in their delivered condition to the owners.

- Envelopes will be opened in the bidding hall of the Corporation - in the presence of bidders or whoever represents them with a signed and sealed official authorization.

Those wishing to participate in this tender can view the bidding documents and take it during the working period for (30) days from the date of publishing the first announcement.